If you have a concern about a student, in the first instance contact the academic assessor – details can be found in the students clinical document or in the key personnel section of this mentor hub under link lecturers.  Additionally any member of the midwifery education team would be happy to help in the short term.

At the start of the placement, ensure the student is orientated to the clinical area and during the first week, arrange for an initial meeting with the student to familiarise yourself with the student’s needs and the stage of the programme, read the OAR and the personal development plan.

Half way through the placement you should have a mid point meeting with the student, this is to ensure that the student understands how well they are doing on the placement and any areas that they need to improve upon, additionally they may able to highlight any outcomes that may be difficult to achieve for numerous reasons, a plan can then be put in place to support this.

During the last week of the placement the summative assessment should take place.  This should be protected time where you can spend some time completing the clinical assessment document and the OAR.  The clinical assessment document must have all the competencies signed and dated individually (no brackets please), and final sign off pages, grading and professional conduct and attributes in order for the student to pass the clinical placement.  Ensure you have read the student’s reflections and that they are a true event and sign the relevant competencies in the clinical assessment document.  The academic assessor will grade the reflections, the practice assessor will grade 5 of the 6 boxes

An academic assessor will support you at any time in this process for any reason, please see ‘key personnel’ tab for contact details

Academic assessor – All students have an academic assessor throughout their course, their name will be written at the front of the clinical assessment document, please make a note of this should you need to contact them

Practice learning Lead – Paula Oram and Clinical Placement Facilitators Donna Liversedge, Esther Wilkinson and Di Guiver work closely with academic assessors, practice supervisors and practice assessors and student links to ensure that placements run smoothly and any issues are dealt with appropriately and in a timely fashion