Welcome to the micro site for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses/ District Nurses. This page will provide the necessary information to enable you to effectively support school nurses and health visitors to develop their skills on the SCPHN/District Nurse  programme.

please find the handbook below

Updated Practice Teacher Handbook 18-19.doc final


Community Formulary Prescribing (V100)

Please email Donna Edwards as V100 module lead on donna.edwards@dmu.ac.uk for any queries

Practice portfolio

The Community Formulary Prescribing (V100) Module is runs from October to August alongside the  SCPHN or District Nurse programmes. It is a zero credited module that on successful completion allows the student to apply to the NMC to annotate their entry with this professional qualification.

In order to support students on this module you should be familiar with the  Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (NMC, 2018)


The Standards for Prescribing Programmes (NMC, 2018)


A Competency Framework for all Prescribers (RPS, 2016)
